Category Archives: travel

Destination Dirtbag.

Here I sit, amidst change, evaluating opportunities.

Opportunities to pursue new outcomes.

Opportunities to run down more dreams.

This month, I have been between my last career opportunity and preparing to embrace my next career opportunity. I couldn’t be happier.

I’ve had time to reflect.

Time to find a new adventure. (Or two, or three, or…. I’m always dreaming up new adventures. And this year has a few lined up!)

ANYWAY, after putting most of my “other” plans on hold to pursue the BIG plan of 2015 (i.e. my Ironman). I’m ready to go after new plans.

First up?

Destination Dirtbag.


Yes, that’s right. I’m going to be living the dirtbag life. For a few days anyways…

This is my vacation between jobs!? It may not sound like the traditional or ideal vacation for many. They sort of vacation that involves sitting on a beach, drinking fancy drinks, and soaking up the sun. That’s not my type of vacation. I’d rather pursue a new adventure.

So, with that in mind… I’ll be flying out west, grabbing a van and living out of it for 10 days.

I. Cannot. Wait.

Now, I am fully aware I’m only fake dirt-bagging it here since I do have a new career path locked down and a start date on the calendar. And I still have my home and my established life. Clearly, I’m not going to be living from a van for an extended period of time which would provide me with true dirtbag status, but a girl can try to experience all she can while she has the opportunity to pursue it.

Living from a van. Traveling from National Park to National Park – hiking, taking in the beauty, getting as dirty as I can, embracing as much of nature as I can, meeting as many new people as I can – as I travel through UT, AZ, and maybe part of ID, WY and MT – depending on how much time I choose to spend in the first part of the trip. I have a tentative list of places to see but no real agenda or schedule. I’m just going with the flow and taking whatever time I want to, and feel I need to, in order to truly explore each park to my hearts desire. Heaven. No schedule, no plan, some time to hike, relax, and soak it all in. (Like I said, I cannot wait!)

Now, I will take a (small) moment to let you know that I am not disillusioned here. I am sure there will be low points mixed in with the high points with this action. Tenting and van sleeping are not always the most comfortable of solutions, especially for a bit of an extended time. Hiking every day will likely leave me sore and tired some days, but I am convinced that the scenery will help to fill me up and reward the work that is put in.

So with this, I am signing off and unplugging for the next bit of time as I fly off to my next grand adventure.


To live

Austin, TX

Better late than never! This post has been hanging in my drafts for two weeks just waiting to be posted… whoops! (Just pretend you’re reading this a week ago…)

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to meet up with some of the most amazing women I know – my girls from Purdue! We had a mini reunion last year at OBX and decided that we needed to do it every year! Love these girls so much, it’s so nice to take a break from the chaos of life and catch up!! This year we decided to head to Austin, TX for our reunion weekend to enjoy a new city that we had not experienced before, to relax, shop, and catch up on life! I’m going to let the pictures tell the story of our weekend adventures below, but first… what would a post be without an update on my workouts?!

Weekly Workouts//

  • Monday – 3000 yd swim
  • Tuesday – 90 minute Z2 Ride… met up with KA to ride, turned into almost 2 hours – and was pretty hilly, definitely a bit more than a Z2 effort – whoops! – 30 miles
  • Wednesday –  100 minute Z 3/4/5 Ride – cut short by 10 minutes since I rode long yesterday – 26 miles.
  • Thursday – 3000 yd Endurance Swim
  • Friday – Rest/Travel Day
  • Saturday – Was supposed to run 60 minutes… ended up bumping all my workouts by 1 day since I had a rest day for travel coming next Tuesday as well… walked around Austin with the girls & enjoyed the day off!!
  • Sunday – Ran 60 minutes with KC in Austin –  after some failed attempts, finally found a beautiful trail – Shoal Creek – to run along!

Total Time: 6 hours, 10 minutes

  • Swim: 6000 yards/1 hour 40 minutes
  • Bike: 54 miles/3 hours 30 minutes
  • Run: 6 miles/1 hour

Photo Recap//

Before I get to the Austin part of the program… some photos from the week before the trip!

Finally celebrating Christmas with my sister! Paint N Sip Experience in Saratoga!

Well, I guess they’re comfortable?

This has been circulating around the internet this week… got to say, I love it!

Always on the lookout. Always.

Had lots of fun with a flat tire Tuesday night… also discovered my CO2 canister nozzle was broken. Thank god I was biking with KA and she had a backup!Day 1 of Austin, we headed to 6th street for the Pecan Street festival!

Our house for the weekend… was definitely memorable! Love the fact that we end up in these quirky places! So much better than a nondescript hotel or polished non-memorable cookie cutter home. 🙂 I should of taken more pictures because what I have really does not capture the true essence of the place!

A visit to Austin is not complete without a visit to a food trailer… there were lots to choose from!  Drinks on Rainey Street – such a cool environment. They’ve converted all the houses on the street to bars!

Shoal Creek. Awesome place to run (once we managed to find it)!

My book for the weekend. Loved it. it was a quick read and I thought she had some good points on life.

Boots, boots, boots!! Couldn’t possibly go to TX without checking out new boots…

SO many to choose from…

Some boots are easier to take off than others… 🙂


Another item on the list, see the Bat colony. We waited for over an hour to see the 750,000 bats take flight at dusk… unfortunately the Bats decided to wait until after dark on this particular evening. Kind of a bust, but we saw an awesome sunset & had fun just talking and hanging out on the bridge!

(P.S. – none of us are very good with the whole selfie thing… I think this was take #45 of 100.. ha.)

On the to-do list, visit Gourdough’s to experience the donuts. And what an experience it was… from the guy calling out orders to the selection of toppings to the heart-attack in a little paper bowl, it was quite the experience. Fantastically delicious too… overindulgence for sure.

I present, the Carney… yes, that’s a donut.

And the flying pig… maple frosting and bacon (!) on a donut.


      Such a great week and an even better weekend with the girls!!

Running Around…

… except not actually running. Since I’m still on IR. (i.e. undergoing PT) <— let me find a couple more abbreviations for being injured… we like abbreviations in sports – DNF, DNS, PR, RICE, NRR, XC, XT…

Anyhow, the point is that life has gotten cRaZy busy these past few weeks and I have a LOT going on. Definitely more than usual, hence the quieting down on the blog front. Travel has increased, big changes are going down in my life, and I’m working on repairing my poor calves…. oh and starting to attempt to master a new sport! (oh hai cyclocross.)

But, with all of this going on, I have taken a vow: “I solemnly swear I will stretch and strength train properly during my Ironman training…”

Now, someone please just keep me accountable to that! I’m really a lazy athlete, I like to skip the important in-between stuff that I know I should be doing – luckily my coach and my PT (who is also one of our T2 coaches) are kicking my butt right now for that, which will hopefully make me a bit more accountable on this front.

In lieu of the topics that I really want to write about, (I have a number of ideas for entries that I would like to spend time weaving into words but I am pressing pause until I have a little more time to devote to them, letting them simmer a while longer in my notebooks.) I’m going to bombard you with a lot of pictures from the past couple of weeks.

Oh, and this: 31 Dog Reactions for Everyday Situations.

Seriously, you can thank me later.

Photo Recap//

No Ragnar for me this year… so I volunteered!



Post Volunteer Session Bike Ride, had fun going out and cheering everyone on as they ran through the Saratoga County countryside! IMG_9717.JPG

Pumpkin Beer Season is here! Time to stock up before they change to Winter beers… IMG_9721.JPG

He kills me. “Guarding” (or maybe just sleeping with) the toy so Roxie can’t have it…


Stretch, PT, Ice… Repeat the next day…


Someone is super helpful with PT exercises. IMG_9710.JPG


A trip to Washington DC with my LEAD NY Class. So excited for year #2 with these amazing people. A trip to Ottawa and Africa are next up – then we wrap up the program – the time has flown by and we’ve learned so much (and will learn SO much more!)!






Along with the DC theme…. Love Kid President.

Love more, hate less. IMG_9751.JPG

Wednesday night a few of us ate at the Founding Farmers in DC. If you’re ever visiting DC, you should definitely eat here – it was amazing!


Visiting Gettysburg on our way home from DC. IMG_9759.JPG


Bronco is loving this. IMG_9764.JPG

Back on the toy front…


Also, this week marks 1 year of having Bronco as a member of my little family!

He has definitely added a lot of love to my life! IMG_9776.JPG

Friday Night Football.IMG_9769.JPG

Well, that sums up some random aspects of the past 2 weeks…  exited for PT sessions this week, the plan is to start some supervised running on a treadmill. I’m hoping I will be given the go ahead to start mixing in some light running again. Although, it has been fun to focus more on strength sessions, swimming, and of course biking!

Maine, July 4th & the start of running miles and miles.

Well… I had started to work on this post Monday, built up the basics of my weekly post, and then never got around to finishing the text portion of the post.

Due to travel, work, spending time with family and friends, I’m finding that it’s now Wednesday night and this post is just not writing itself.

In other words, real life is getting in the way of the virtual one – but I think that is a good thing! So instead of my normal ramblings, just know I’m on the road again, juggling work and training and my social scene!

The pictures below will fill you in on some of the high points – although I must admit I missed quite a few opportunities to documents various things last week because I just didn’t feel like whipping out the camera! 

Weekly Workouts//

  • Monday – Swim 1600 – Fast 50s / Splits 39-41s
  • Tuesday – 50 Minute Base Run (around Portland!)
  • Wednesday – Unplanned Rest Day – cancelled workout due to insane traffic issues
  • Thursday – Track/Speed Workout – 6 miles 
  • Friday – Endurance Brick – with 5×1 Mile Hill Repeats on the Bike
  • Saturday – Rest Day
  • Sunday – 2 Hour Run- 13.1 Miles


Weekly Totals//

  • Swim – 25 minutes – 1600 yards
  • Bike – as part of brick workout
  • Run – 3 hours, 40 minutes – 24.6 miles
  • Brick – 2 hours, 25 minutes – 30 miles Bike/3 miles Run
  • Total Time – 6 hours, 40 minutes


Weekly Photo Recap//

Monday morning swim session at the Saratoga YMCA – thought I had spotted a bag under the counter… jumped a mile when I realized there was a dog by my foot! (ignore the crappy picture quality – first, cameras are not allowed in the locker room; second, I was trying to be covert since the owner was next to me…) 


Found this baby in New Hampshire – I am SO ExCiTeD & Happy! My favorite wine ever! (Also, makes me want to hop a plane and head back to NZ to visit my friends again!) 


Portland was such a neat city – want to go back when I’m not working so I can actually explore! 20140707-204953-74993120.jpg

Running around the Back Cove Trail in Portland, ME – it was hot & humid!!


Happy Cows… 90 degrees outside, nice a cool inside the barn, thanks to lots of fans & shade! 


Methane Digester at Stonyvale – they take cow manure and food waste and convert it to energy to put back on the grid! This baby powers 800 homes! 


Learning all about the digester. How it works and the process in which the farm went through to build it and keep it running successfully – the farm has a full time engineer to keep it going!

20140707-204844-74924577.jpgYes! My very own Stonyvale shirt! …it only took me 3 years to visit to get my shirt! 


Big Mutts. AKA Bronco. 🙂20140707-204949-74989575.jpg

Live filming of a zombie movie in Portland, ME…  zombies took over the froyo shop!!




Hanging on the pier in Portland, ME.20140705-084748-31668959.jpg



…was sent to Eventide on our search for a delicious lobster roll… 20140705-084745-31665220.jpg

So close to the end of my drive, yet so far… Albany traffic was a mess on Wednesday!


After 5 Hours of driving… only 30 minutes from final destination, after sitting in traffic for 2+ hours, I gave up and went for a burger and beer…



More traffic, post dinner…


July 4th Eats!


Bronco’s New Collar – Made of old bike tire inter tubes & with beer bottle opener!20140705-084740-31660539.jpg

Not sure if Bronco is trying to stop me from going running, or if he is hoping to go with me…

These beauties popped up in my black-eyed susan patch – not sure what kind they are, but they’re pretty! 


Cruising with the pups. Scouting the neighborhood… leaving their mark… letting all other dogs know who is boss in these parts. 


Someone loves the Jeep!! 


As seen on my Sunday morning Run. Love me some country roads!! 20140707-204744-74864244.jpg

13.1 Miles in 2 Hours. Not my best, not my worst. A solid start to marathon training. 20140707-204743-74863351.jpg


My traveling buffet table for long distance runs (aka my hydration pack). A foundation of friendship was laid down this spring… and a summer of marathon training will create an even stronger bond. 20140707-204742-74862450.jpg

Family party inclusive of lots of food tables. Time for Doggie Jail. 20140707-204745-74865999.jpg

Tired pups, post all day party. Not shown, Roxie hogging half of the backseat leaving Bronco without enough room to lay down… so, sleeping while leaning on the seat is apparently the next best option.


Working on notes to motivate a few IMLP athletes!! 20140707-204843-74923646.jpg

How was your July 4th weekend? Do anything fun?!

Whatever plans you had, I hope it was great!!













Traveling and Training.

I’ve been on the road for the past 10 days and I’m glad to be back home! (Although I am traveling again a couple times this week, but if I get to sleep in my own bed, I don’t really count it… Even if I am spending 12+ hours of my day traveling/at meetings).

Last week, as I mentioned in my post, I traveled to NYC with my LEAD NY Class. I have so much to share from that trip that I’ve decided to keep my comments out of this post and I will be posting a multi-post series about the things I learned about food in NYC. Lots of interesting stuff and I’m sure I won’t really do the trip justice, but if you are interested, hopefully you can get a feel for how food makes its way to the city!  (And if you’re not interested, just skip reading the rest of my posts until next Monday when I’m back to the normal training stuff.)

Speaking of normal training stuff… I totally fell off the wagon this week. My coach gave me last Saturday off so I could enjoy skiing with some friends – although with how things turned out, I think I should have just stuck to my normal training… I’m so ready for winter to be over!

I had given my coach a ‘heads up’ that training was going to be difficult while I was in NYC since our schedule for this class typically starts around 6:30 or 7:00 am and we’re on the go until 9:00 pm most nights. (The program really wants to maximize our time together…). Also, I was not sure if I would have access to a gym or not. There were three runs for 30 minutes on my schedule and one bike for 30 minutes while I away in NYC. My actual training included one (yes, only one) run for 40 minutes on Tuesday afternoon – immediately following a late afternoon meal. Not really ideal, but when they rearranged our schedule to move dinner to later in the night and actually gave us an hour and a half of downtime, there was no way I was missing the opportunity for a run. Especially since we had food at almost every visit of the day – about 5 different meals/snacks – it was a bit gluttonous!

As someone that does go through periods of heavy travel with my job, I’ll be the first to recognize that training while traveling can be challenging and often requires creativity with your schedule to try and fit in even short workouts. Obviously last week, I was not too successful, but then again my schedule when I travel is not normally dictated to quite such an extreme degree.

The other challenge that comes with traveling is eating properly. Often when traveling, food choices are not terrific, although I do think more places are starting to offer healthier options. To try and combat some of the uphill battle that I knew I would be fighting with finding good options (especially when it came to snacks), I went shopping before my trip and bought a bag of mini carrots, some granola bars (there are actually some healthier options starting to hit the shelves if you look hard enough), and some individual nut snack packs. I also made sure that I had a water bottle with me for the week. Having these options in my bag made it easier to opt for my own snack instead of buying some of the treats that we were available (although I will admit the cookie bar at Whole Foods almost drew me in, but I did resist the temptation!).

Overall, I definitely still over-ate this week. We had a couple of dinners with the group, and Fresh Direct put out an amazing spread for us one afternoon, so by the end of the week I definitely was ready to get back to more normal eating habits. Also, as mentioned, I really had little training but still did get a fair amount of exercise in from walking around the city from visit to visit, but somehow walking just doesn’t feel quite as good as running to me – despite the fact that it is a great exercise option!

My overall training for this week:

  •  Sunday: Missed workout
  • Monday: Missed workout
  • Tuesday: 40 minute Z2 Run (on a full stomach, so not great)
  • Wednesday: Planned rest day
  • Thursday: Missed workout
  • Friday: 1700 yard Ladder Swim (I felt like I was going to sink after everything I’d eaten this week!)
  • Saturday: Brick – 2 hour Bike, 30 minute Run
  • Sunday: Brick – 20 minute Bike, 1:45 Run

So there you have it, the honest truth that sometimes life conflicts with training. (And the not so gentle reminder from Training Peaks that shows missed workouts in BRIGHT red. – Yes, I’m already aware that I missed those workouts, thankyouverymuch.)

I’m sure I could have pulled myself out of bed earlier to fit my runs in in NYC. If I had gotten up at 4:30 and I might have felt a bit lot better from a training standpoint, but I would have also crashed a lot harder at the end of the week. As it was I went to bed at 8pm Friday night and slept until 7am the next day. Similar story on Saturday. (…you know you’re tired when…)

All and all, a great week with lots of learning, also an exhausting week despite the fact I wasn’t really training. Hopefully my body is recovered with the sleep I put in this weekend and ready to get back into the swing of things this week!

Now for the photo dump (non NYC related) for the week(end):

Working at the ADK Summer Expo on Saturday with Ragnar Relay – love spreading the word about this amazing relay series! If you have not done a Ragnar, it’s a must for the bucket list!


We spent Saturday afternoon talking with all sorts of people explaining what Ragnar is and why they should join in the fun. Also, it was great to be able to promote Double H Ranch – if you want to step up and help out this great cause, there are fundraising teams that will benefit the kids of Double H Ranch.

Finally, I loved getting to know Courtney from the Ragnar Staff, she is a fantastic person and is the one who was instrumental in bringing the Relay to the Adirondacks. It’s a BEAUTIFUL course – I’ve run it for both years that it has been in the ADK. Seriously people. Do. This. Relay.  You won’t regret it. (And the hills are not that bad.)


I finally had a Salted Caramel GU that everyone has been raving about. It wasn’t for me.  But that’s ok, I’ll just leave mine for everyone else!



An amazing 11+ mile run OUTSIDE [and in the country] on Sunday. Highlight of my day. No doubt.


Especially when I was looking at the Vermont mountains in the distance and listening to Top of the World by Imagine Dragons.

I was about ready to start doing cartwheels. So happy – definite runner’s high to be outside throwing down a double digit run in the sun. (Even despite the arguments I was having with my heart rate by the end.)



Girl Scout Cookies appeared Saturday – really not helpful in getting back on track… especially when Samoas appear!



This is what packing for two weeks of travel that includes swimming, biking (on a bike trainer), running, skiing, two dogs, and two business trips looks like. Craziness.


(Did I mention I often overpack?…)

(I probably didn’t have to mention that… )




And finally… you’ll have to stay tuned this week to hear about this:


Ginger Z and I are now tight after Thursday morning’s weather.

(Just kidding, but I do have a famous coffee cup now!)