Category Archives: tea

Weekend Recap: Running, Technology, & Other Fun Stuff.

Since I didn’t have a chance to post yesterday since I was traveling for work, I’ve decided to recap my Friday & the weekend with a few pictures.

First up: the gym… Treadmill running. As you know, I was struggling with the treadmill workouts last week. My legs were dead tired for both Wednesday’s and Friday’s run. When I threw down my clothes to change on Friday to hit the treadmill, I wanted to just pack up and go home. But I didn’t. (Enter the benefit of having a coach which makes you feel guilty if you skip a workout… )

I finally figured out how to sync my Garmin to my computer. I was totally geeking out about this. Lots of fun to see the splits, HR, elevation, etc from my long run last week. Made me excited to see how this Sunday’s 9 miler would compare to last Sunday!

I had the most amazing sandwich Friday from the Brooklyn Pickle. CBW and I were out grabbing outfits for a St. Patty’s Day themed run and decided that lunch from the Pickle would be a fantastic idea. It did not disappoint – we found they were offering corned beef sandwiches! Look at this messiness… It was amazing. Looking at this picture makes me want another one. Who wants to go this Friday?

Speaking of our St. Patty’s Day running outfits….. Pretty amazing, right? I know you’re going to want to hire us to be your stylists.

This weekend the training ramped up again. Saturday morning I went to R.I.P.P.E.D. with CBW, then hit up my bike trainer for 90 minutes before our St. Patty’s run. On Sunday, I had another 9 miler on the schedule. I was tasked with running a negative split with my last 4 miles being 10-15″ faster than the first 5 miles. I have never successfully run a negative split since I’m typically pretty poor at pacing myself, but I am so happy to report that I actually achieved the negative split on Sunday! I ran the first 2 miles at a 9 min pace, the next 3 at 8:45 and the final 4 were between 8:25-8:35!! I was pretty proud of myself… the small things in training make me pretty happy!

After the 9 miles, I definitely needed to relax a bit, so I busted out some tea and looked through the training plan for the upcoming week. I’m traveling again this week for work, so I again have the fun of trying to squeeze in my workouts in the morning before meetings or late at night after the conference dinners wrap.