Tag Archives: life

In memory of…

Two months ago, one of my friends that I met through my swimming, biking and running adventures passed away suddenly.

The endurance community in CNY lost a great and kind soul.

Jason was a fierce competitor, relentless in his pursuit of becoming better at cycling, at improving his skills, strength and endurance. After years of cycling, he had recently started to enter the world of triathlon. To push himself further, to learn new skills, to pursue new goals.

In addition to improving his own dedication to sport, he constantly worked to motivate and encourage others to push themselves, to stretch to new goals, to pursue their wildest dreams. And when those dreams started to seem overwhelming, he would lend a hand at just the right moment to help you to keep going. This often came in the form of a text/facebook message or more likely a motivational video.

Jason was one of the reasons that I began to believe that Ironman Lake Placid was a good idea, that signing up would be an amazing adventure and something that would never be taken from me. While I may still question the full sanity of pursuing the IMLP goal, I was lucky that Jason continued to provide support after helping to convince me to pursue this goal. Right when I was at my breaking point in the training, I received this video from Jason – it was delivered with perfect timing as I prepared to take on my 140.6 mile adventure last July. The support prior to and during IMLP from Jason and his girlfriend Kim was phenomenal, they were all over the course cheering and taking photos, helping to motivate and provide a little extra ump all day long. Truly a blessing during that long hot day.

It was apparent – whether Jason was in the race or on the sidelines – he loved endurance events and seeing people set and reach their goals. I am extremely fortunate to have gotten to know Jason, to learn about CX racing from him, and to be able to call him a friend while he still walked this earth.

Jason was truly an amazing person. It was seen with the outpouring of love that came at this time of terrible grief within the community, it was seen at the calling hours with the special honors that friends bestowed onto him, and at the funeral with a procession of cyclists fighting the cold temperatures and wind to pay tribute in the absolute best way.

There is no explanation for why certain people are taken from this world all too soon.

There is no use in trying to understand it, to try and make sense of the crazy turns in life.

All we can do is take advantage of the time we are given.

To pursue our goals. To try things. To fail. To stand back up.

To live the life we are meant to live.

In whatever form that may be for each of us individually.

Make your dreams a reality.

Live a life you love.

So with this, Jason, here is a motivational video for you. You certainly will be remembered for your friendship and inspiration that you provided to so many of us.

And Kim, please know that you are loved by so many. My heart continues to break for you. You were so blessed to have Jason in your life. You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.



Choices, Chances, Changes.

Choices, Chances, Changes.

We all face them every day. They may not be big choices, grand chances or colossal changes. Yet they occur. All. Day. Long.


We decide what time to get out of bed.

We decide what to eat.

We decide what to wear.

We decide our activities for the day. Our priorities.

We decide if we go into auto-pilot with our day-to-day, with our weekly routine, with our lives. Or if we decide to take chances…


We are blessed that we are able to decide when to take chances.

To refuse the mindless routine. To mix it up.

To choose chance.

To actually take the chances that are presented to us.

To jump out into the unknown. To make new friends, to rekindle past relationships, to extend a hand, to assist others, and often, in turn to help ourselves.

We get to take the changes, to embrace change.


Pursue change. Big or small. Try new things.

Try a new flavor of coffee, try a new workout, try a walk down a new path.

Take the chance to adventure up a mountain or across the sea.

To experience all the world has to offer. People, places, things. Embrace them.

To learn. To grow. To evolve. To change.

There are abundant opportunities to dream of, and to embrace change.

Choices, Chances, Change. 

We grow through choices, chances and change. Some choices, chances and change are small. Other choices, chances and change will rock your world to its soul. There are positive choices, chances and change. There are the not go great (and yet still oh so valuable) choices, chance and change. They come in all shapes, sizes, and stature. They can have satisfying and exciting outcomes. They can also have depressing and stressful outcomes. Yet I have found, regardless of the outcome achieved, there is always always always something to learn, to experience, and to grow from.

Choices, Chances, Change.

These are the things life is made of.



Sitting Between Two Chairs

A couple weekends ago, I went to church with my mom, my sister, my BIL and my nephew… during the sermon, our pastor used the following quote from Luciano Pavarotti’s Father:

‘If you try to sit on two chairs, you will fall between them. For life, you must choose one chair.’

For me, this really hit home, and I am guessing it might hit home for many others as well. We all seem to be juggling so many things all the time. Life, work, friends, family, then at times school, classes, raising kids, attending social events, training for various athletic endeavors – 5Ks, 10Ks, marathons, triathlons, etc – while also trying to take time for yourself, to think, to relax, to enjoy a hobby or whatever makes your heart truly happy. There just seems to be SO MANY priorities. And that was the point of her sermon. We truly need to prioritize our lives. By this I mean it’s key to figure out what is actually a priority versus what tasks are in our life that we say are priorities but at the end of the day are just making us busy and diverting our attention from what really matters. There are so many “priorities” that are presented to us, that we rush around to complete or achieve that at the end of the day, don’t really matter and just result in a more stressed out, over worked, and tired person.

I am guilty of this.

Times 1,000 (or maybe 1,000,000,000…) but I digress.

Right now I am definitely sitting between two chairs. I own a home in Saratoga, and I work in Syracuse about 75% of the time (and I am on the road the remaining 20-25% of the time). I am a dog mom for two awesome pups. I am training for an Ironman. I am working for Ragnar to promote their ADK Relay (seriously, it’s an awesome time, you should sign up with friends!!). I am on Team Betty. I am finishing my LEAD NY classes. I am making as much time for family and friends that I can, given my work and training schedule. I am trying to make time for myself when possible.

From the list above, I would say there are a lot of things I could focus on to simply my life. The one thing I value more than anything is time with family and friends and I wish I had more of it than I have today. The primary driver behind my move to Saratoga was to be able to spend more time with family (although I must say, one issue with setting priorities that depend on other people is that there needs to be a bit of alignment…), and given my current goals my training is still going to be a priority for the next 3.5 months as I continue my journey to Ironman Lake Placid (eek! that date keeps getting closer!), but most of all I need to figure out my living/work situation to help strike a better balance. Living back near Saratoga where I grew up has been a long term goal of mine, and I will be the first to admit the choice I made last year to purchase a home 2.5 hours away from where I work was a crazy one and made the work/life situation a bit tougher, but it has been worth is because I truly LOVE LOVE LOVE being at my new home and near my family. So far, I’ve manged the commute and balance between work pretty well since October, however with the training ramping up I know I’m going to hit a tipping point and need to be proactive about the balance I can strike given my current situation.

Which brings me back to my chairs. For me, the two most apparent chairs that I am sitting between are Saratoga and Syracuse. I’ve known that I’ve been sitting between them – I have lots of time to think in the car each week about this – and I’ve been sitting between them for a while. Growing up in a rural, close-knit, community outside of Saratoga, I always struggled a bit with the “city life” of Syracuse. I always longed to be back in a community similar to the one I grew up in (or thin this case, I did move back to). Don’t get me wrong, I have had (and continue to have) a lot of great times in Syracuse and made friends with a number of fantastic people throughout the years, which I would not trade for the world. (Which is why leaving Syracuse is hard.) I’ve been trying to sit between these two worlds, and build a bridge, but I’m finding that gap continues to challenge me – and probably will for a bit more as I continue to sort this all out.

Nothing like throwing everything against a wall and seeing what sticks.

Pretty sure the whole “throw it against the wall” has been my method for about a year now. I’ll be the first to admit it’s been a bit of a whirlwind and it’s funny (scary?) how easy it becomes to throw caution to the wind when you go through some major changes in your personal life that leave you wondering what happened and how your life has been turned upside down. However, I guess it’s also a good thing because if those major life changes had not occurred, I don’t believe I would have ever taken the leap of faith or that path that I’ve chosen these past few months… So I guess I have one thing to be thankful for from that whole prior experience.

Change is not easy, but it often leads to better things. And someday, I’ll figure out my two chairs, or maybe just turn them into a bench. Either way, life will re-balance itself. It always does.


Weekly Workouts//

Week 1:

Monday – 60 Minute Recovery Bike

Tuesday – 60 Minute Tempo Run

Wednesday – 90 Minute Bike – Power Zones 3/4/5

Thursday – 3200 yd Swim <– Hello endurance… up and at ’em before LEAD NY!

Friday – Day off/LEAD NY Classes

Saturday – LEAD NY Classes / 2 Hour Bike Session at night

Sunday – AM – 2800 Swim – Speed Work

Sunday – PM – 1 hr, 40 min Endurance Run

Week 2:

Monday – Day Off / Travel to Kansas City

Tuesday – 30 Minute Run

Wednesday – Travel back from KC / 2000 yd Swim – Speed Work

Thursday – 90 Minute Bike

Friday – 2000 yd Swim – Speed Work

Saturday – Brick Session – Bike: 3 hrs/Run: 30 min

Sunday – Syracuse Half Marathon (aka my “catered training run”) <– Not my best 13.1 but not my worst AND first time over 10 miles since my injury last Fall – made it through without aggravating my injury & my calf is holding up (whoop whoop, hopeful that I can continue building and stay injury free!!)


Trying to learn more about Africa. Still digesting my trip, but don’t worry I’ll work on a post before too long!

IMG_0986_2This guy was hanging out at my parents farm one morning a couple weeks ago – too cool not to share!

IMG_0965My current music obsession. Love her sound!

IMG_0975Race season can finally start – my Team Betty kit arrived – so stoked and can’t wait to start racing in it!!!


IMG_0996And they said I couldn’t fit a bike and two dogs in a 2 door wrangler.

Although it will be easier once the weather is nice enough to have the bike mounted outside the vehicle…

(Bronco agrees, he wasn’t too impressed that he had to share his area with the bike.)

IMG_0997Out for Kim’s Birthday! Love my tri friends – new and old!

10246480_10152851603963823_3193404193810776225_nCertainly not my best, but also not my worst 13.1 on the books. Today was a “catered training run” and the first time crossing over the 10 mile mark since injury last Fall. While I was bummed to not be racing, I was so thankful that I was able to complete the distance.

Slowly but surely getting back on track – the road to Ironman Lake Placid continues…

IMG_1004And just because it makes me laugh. I feel like an Omnomnomnivore lately with my training… must eat food. All. The. Time.

IMG_0982Well, I hope you all had a good couple of weeks – despite the not so spring like weather here in the Northeast! It’s really getting more difficult to believe that spring might actually arrive. Especially after braving temps in the teens for yesterday’s half marathon… something tells me we might just skip spring and move right to summer this year!! (Wishful thinking?!)

Avoiding the bruises.

Maybe life isn’t about avoiding the bruises. Maybe it’s about collecting the scars to prove we showed up for it. – Hannah Brencher

Here’s the thing about training for a longer distance event. It gives you time to think, and think, and think. To think about the goal that lies ahead of you and the distance that you have traveled and the distance left to travel to reach that goal.

Typically, my stream of thoughts while training flows all over the place. Half the time, when I reach the end of my workout session, I can’t even tell you what I’ve been thinking about. But I know I had a stroke of genius somewhere mid-workout.

Once in a while, I’ll punch in notes to my phone and then look at my notes later. Thinking that I’ve discovered or come up with some great idea but sadly when I look at said notes, I wonder what I was thinking…

But anyway, training gives you time to think. To think about swimming, to think about biking, to think about running. To think of technique, and distances, and nutrition. To think about family, friends, relationships that are strong, and those that have broken. To life changes, to embracing current moment, to reminiscing of the past and most importantly looking to the future and all the mystery that it holds.

Which brings me back to the bruises. And the scars. Everyone has them. Literal and figurative. The scars and bruises create a map of the places you have been, the people you have loved and lost, the friends that have come and gone, the little moments, the big fat notable occasions, and the events that shaped you without you even realizing it.

This year, I know there are going to be a number of events and occasions that are going to shape my life in notable ways. But more importantly, I know there will be little unanticipated moments which will provide growth, happiness, and fun. And there will also be the moments that provide scars, bruises and yes even some not so happy times. But that is life right? We have to be willing to move up, down and sideways. Forward and back. Sometimes we have to flex and bend. Other times, we have to tackle whatever comes our way. And even when we are knocked down or pushed back, we need to find the gumption to get back up, dust ourselves off and keep on moving. Even if it means moving in a direction not previously planned on.

This year, I (miraculously) secured a spot on Team Betty. At first, I was shocked and excited that I was selected to be part of the team. Now, I am honored. As I get to know these women better, learn their stories, the ups, the downs, the sideways, I am in awe.

This past week, a few of my Betty Sisters shared some stories of things they were dealing with in their own lives. It was stated by a Betty that not all that glitters is gold, and it is clear that despite how happy and upbeat some people are to the outside world, they can often be fighting bigger battles than ever shown. It has become clear to me that Team Betty is a team of amazing, strong, beautiful, badass women. I feel completely honored to be training and connected to this group. It is definitely a blessing that I did not see coming when I submitted my application last Fall. (Also, the fact that our sponsor list was rolled out the past two weeks was another amazing perk I didn’t fully appreciate when I applied. Seriously, we have some rockstar support from some amazing companies!).

Anyway, getting back on track, I truly believe that some of the most beautiful people have withstood the nastiest storms, stood up just once more than they were knocked down, and somehow did not let their battles harden them to the world. Optimism and kindness people. They matter more than we can appreciate. Optimism and kindness.

Which brings me to my final topic, also being supplemented by another quote from Ms Hannah Brencher:

“If you don’t step out into the life you want, no one else will ever do it for you. If you don’t become the person you’ve always wanted to be, that person will never exist and the world will never know what it missed.”

I am more convinced than ever, that the world is full of amazing and wonderful people. I am also convinced that the world is full of critics. And you have to ignore the haters. Otherwise known as the wisdom of T. Swift: “…players gonna play… haters gonna hate…” and dancers gonna dance! We should all chose to dance. Forget the haters. They’re going to keep hating, and making fun of people, and being miserable. Typically, the haters are those who are unhappy with their own life choices. So dance. Collect the scars. Embrace who you are, chase your dreams, and live the life you were meant to live.

Show the world what you’re made of. Get up when you get knocked down. Each and every time.

Bruises are badass and beautiful.

Weekly Workouts//

Week 1:

  • Monday – Rest Day
  • Tuesday – Power Test – Bike
  • Wednesday – Swim, 2800 Yards
  • Thursday – Planned: 45 minutes of weights, Run 50 Minutes – but I was sick (again) – so I rested
  • Friday – Planned: 70 minute bike – turned into a rest day due to sickness
  • Saturday – 135 minute Trainer Ride – Easy Spin
  • Sunday AM – 3100 yd Swim
  • Sunday PM – 70 minute Base Run

Week 2:

  • Monday – Rest Day
  • Tuesday – 90 minute Hill Ride
  • Wednesday – 50 minute Run
  • Thursday AM – 30 minute Run
  • Thursday PM – 90 minute Ride
  • Friday – 2600 yard Swim
  • Saturday Workout 1 – 2500 yard Swim
  • Saturday Workout 2 – 120 minute Ride
  • Sunday – 90 minute Run

Weekly Photos (and other miscellaneous fun.)//

Back to cooking.


This made me laugh. Enough to repost it – which I usually avoid these things…. but it was too good to pass up.

2015/01/img_0538.jpgUgh – was not looking forward to this one…


Power Test = Sweat.

2015/01/img_0535.jpgMy photo wall is almost complete!

2015/01/img_0539.jpgMy nephew came home from NICU!


Recipes, recipes, recipes. In process of saving my favorites and ditching the rest.

2015/01/img_0548.jpgInherited my grandmothers piano, enjoying getting back into playing (ya know, in all my free time…)!


Have bike, will travel.


Its decided – I’m not a “fruity” GU girl. I’m sticking to the caramel and espresso flavors from here on out.


My inconspicuous awesome for the week – the purple switched to blue!


Drumroll please:

Announcing the 2015 Team Betty Sponsors!


From one of my Betty Sisters: 7 Point Plan to Kicking Ass at Everything you do…


Yes & Yes.


Here’s to hoping you have a great week with many adventures and a few bruises ahead!


Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes

CaptureHow do you measure a year in the life?

In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee
In inches, in miles. in laughter, in strife.

In five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes.

Seasons of Love, RENT


Looking back on the past year, I just cannot believe how much has changed. How much has come and gone from my life. All the new experiences, adventures, people and places.

With Thanksgiving being last week, I was very busy working on prepping my house that I’ve owned for all of 3 whole weeks, buying food, and figuring out how to cook a full Thanksgiving meal for my family in between traveling to Syracuse for work, finalizing my prior house for sale, hanging out with friends and sneaking a few workouts in.

To say the very least, the past two weeks were quite the whirlwind of events (per usual, welcome to my world). However, despite the fact I was super busy, I also felt very relaxed, happy and definitely extremely blessed.

I know that most people typically wait until the New Year to review the prior year and look forward to the next, but Thanksgiving just seems like the appropriate time for me to take a step back and really look at everything. I cannot believe what a difference a year can make. There have been so many changes in my life. Last year I was struggling with a relationship that ended, I was struggling with whether or not I would race a second 70.3, and was questioning a lot of things in my life. This year I have moved to a new city, a new home, I have completed my second 70.3 and signed up for my third AND for my first full 140.6 Ironman event. I have made new friends, joined a new triathlon team with T2 Multisport, experienced new things (hello CX!), somehow secured a spot on Team Betty 2015 (still so pumped!) and worked to embrace life to its fullest taking the bad along with the good.

Despite feeling a bit lost this time last year, I did know and hold on to one fact – I had an amazing childhood and an amazing family that continues to love and support me. They have proven that they will support me even when I do crazy things – you know, like sign up for an Ironman event, or make the decision to move to be closer to home despite holding a job in a city 2.5 hours away – I know that I am truly blessed to have this support.

And I also found that I had a few truly amazing and steadfast friends that helped me immensely this past year – through cups of coffee (or pints of beer), workouts, conversations, and even a little assistance packing up a moving truck – you guys have been amazing and I can’t thank you enough.

I don’t know what this next year will bring, but I do know that I am excited for every experience – both good and bad – that will come with the next five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes.


Weekly Workouts//

 Week 1:

Monday – Tuesday – Wednesday – Work conference in Indianapolis/embracing the “off” season…

Thursday – 20 Min Bike, 3 Mile Run

Friday – 30 min Strength Session

Saturday – Swim Ladder 1800 yd

Sunday – 3 Mile Run

 Week 2:

Monday – Rest Day/Buy Local Bash & Travel

Tuesday – 30 min Strength Training

Wednesday – 45 Min OUTDOOR Bike

Thursday – 1 Hour Trainer Ride

Friday – Sick Day

Saturday – Run 3 miles

Sunday – Sick Day… should have just taken it easy on Saturday!


Weekly Photo Recap//

Our company tied in a community service project with a few other companies and the Indianapolis COLTS with the Thanksgiving season. Had the opportunity to participate in the Million Meal Marathon in Indianapolis!


Airplane time = thinking time.


So I’ve owned the new house for 2 weeks and a couple of trees fell down on my deck… this is what I came home to.

IMG_0156.JPGIMG_0153.JPGWe WILL be replacing the blinds… good ole Bronco.


Date Night! (Can’t believe there was agreement to this…) IMG_0159.JPGWith a little help… the fallen trees are now next year’s bonfire/campfire wood! 🙂

IMG_0162Officially Official! Loved seeing the announcement and the start of our discussion forum – so many amazing stories of amazing women! Not sure how I was selected but so excited to be a part of #teambetty15! betty_manifesto_outlinesA little reminder from a fellow Betty: IMG_0192

Buy local bash at the Landmark. Crappy picture of a gorgeous building. If you have never been inside the Landmark Theater in Syracuse, you must go

IMG_0170Clarks Ale House is open and I’m back in Syracuse. Obviously this had to happen:

IMG_0172Got to hang with this dude in Syracuse this week.

IMG_0190Yes, it happened. Can’t wait until next year’s CX season!

IMG_0168Just 3 hours after my outdoor bike ride… winter wonderland has fallen on us!

IMG_0195Mini pumpkin pies for all!


About mid-point on cooking the Thanksgiving Feast!IMG_0205Had to get a little creative with the oven space…

IMG_0202Whoo-hoo! First ever full thanksgiving meal that I have prepped! AND we managed to fit all of us around my kitchen island/dining room table mish-mash.

IMG_0216Bronco is thankful for puffy vests that fall on the floor!

IMG_0217Yep, claimed this one.

IMG_0211Family photo time!

IMG_0215Outside lights are up!

IMG_0223.JPGI have a lot of railings…

IMG_0225.JPGRemember the GIANT knitting needles that I shared in my last post? We’ll here is the finished project! A blanket in about 3 hours time!


Absolutely LOVE how it came out – and it was a fun and fast project! IMG_0234.JPG

More good news! I qualified again this year – sadly, I once again will be unable to participate since it is the weekend AFTER Ironman Lake Placid. Maybe next year…


Last (but certainly not least) Miss Roxie relaxing. Not sure how this position is comfortable, but she seems to be happy with it.


Cheers! Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!!