Tag Archives: homeowner

Doubt Kills.

“The moment you choose to listen to your doubt it wins. Believe in yourself and what you’re capable of and you’ll find you’re capable of so much more than you ever dreamed of.”

doubtThis is going to be part of my mantra for the next 10 weeks. Eeek, yes, we’re down to less than 75 days and under the 10 week mark to Ironman Lake Placid. Training is ramping up like a boss and the big day will be here before I know it! Craziness.

Now I just need to trust the process. Trust the training. Trust my coach.

Day by Day, Stroke by Stroke, Step by Step until I toe the start line on the edge of Mirror Lake…

As the workouts are getting longer, my mental toughness and enthusiasm for swimming, biking and running needs to grow – in whatever way I can make that happen! I know these next weeks are going to be mentally and physically demanding (what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger… right?) and I’m getting prepared however I can. This includes, but is not limited to, talking to my coach about the training plans in more detail, commiserating with my friend KA who is also training for IMLP for her first full IM experience, talking with my friends and family, and grabbing as much rest and recovery that I can between working, workouts and whatever other social activities I am trying to fit in!

Nose to the grindstone. Here’s to the 5 am wake ups, the hours and hours of biking and running, and the laps upon laps in the pool!

Weekly Workouts// (a.k.a. where the rubber meets the road… or the lycra hits the water…)

  • Monday – 1 Hour 45 Minute Run. On a treadmill… at a hotel… got to love work travel!
  • Tuesday – 40 minute recovery ride
  • Wednesday –  3100 yd swim planned… got to the Y and they had to close the pool for some reason… pretty sure a kid threw up in the pool (the joys of community pools) so I scooted home and jumped on the bike instead…1 Hour 45 minutes, Z2 Ride, 21 miles.
  • Thursday – 1 Hour 45 Minute Bike, 2×15 Z4 workout – 27.5 miles
  • Friday – 3000 yard Swim
  • Saturday – 5 Hour 30 Minute Brick – 4 Hours, 45 Minute Bike & 45 Minute Run – 75 Miles on the bike and 5 Miles of running!
  • Sunday – 2 Hour SLOW Run. My coach is telling me to back way off my pacing… I had to psych myself up all week for this. Ran a 10:15 pace… 11.75 miles. Training to go slower is mentally painful.

Total Time: 13 hours, 45 minutes

  • Swim: 3000 yards/50 minutes
  • Bike: 123.5 miles/8 hours 25 minutes
  • Run: 27.5 miles/4 hours 30 minutes

Weekly Photos//

The fact that this was the first text message I ever received from my Dad is just perfect. 🙂

Packing up for my 5 Hour 30 minute brick in the hot temps – perfect training for IM Raleigh in a couple weeks!

Bronco was cracking me up this weekend. With the heat, he just kept flopping down everywhere and anywhere.

Yea, so… apparently I lost one of these beauties during the big move last Fall. Ironic since I was trying to be SUPER careful about NOT losing any of the pieces to my soft top since it was already off the Jeep…

So, top down on the Jeep all the time until I obtain a replacement. Hope the weather stays good.

Cross training this week came in the form of landscaping. My house has zero landscaping from the prior owners so I’m starting with a clean slate! And holy cow, is this going to be some WORK to do. I may have to put the rest of the landscaping initiatives on hold until AFTER July 26th…

 So, I have a little problemo with the sand washing out from under my deck… turns out the prior owners never cleaned out the gutters. This is what approximately 7 years of leaf debris looks like as it comes out of the gutters. (As you can see, Roxie was just about as impressed as I was…)

Finally, I put my flower planters together last weekend. Love doing this every year & so happy that spring is here!

  What did you do last weekend, anything fun? If you are in the Northeast, did you enjoy the weather – so crazy that it was 85+ degrees out!