Category Archives: accomplishment

Highs and Lows. Another week down & 2 weeks until Raleigh!!

Another week in the books! As I sit down to write this on Sunday night, I’m 14 days away from IM Raleigh 70.3 and 70 days out from IM Lake Placid! Craziness.

Part of me can’t wait for the end of July, but part of me realizes that I need to stop and soak up every moment of this experience – both the good and the bad.

So with that, I thought I would run through some of the high points and low points of the past week:

High: Starting out my Monday hanging out with a few friends and catching up over a beer.

High: Running hill repeats with no calf pain!! First set this year, and while the actual act of running hill repeats is not that fun, I was so happy to be doing them pain free!

High: I had the benefit of getting to work from home for a majority of the week – which meant sneaking in my 2 hour brick and other workouts was so much easier this week!

Low: I was working at home because my house that I bought last Fall needed some serious plumbing/insulation repairs. Turns out pipes freeze when some major insulation is missing from your house. (<– while my wallet didn’t like this, hopefully I’ll actually having running water in my kitchen next winter!)

High: Completing my 81 mile bike and 6 mile run Saturday.

Low: Screwing up my nutrition/hydration (underestimated) and feeling like death Saturday night.

High: Managing to complete my long run Sunday, despite still not feeling great Sunday.

Low: The range of emotions I experienced during said run – this IM training is definitely physically AND mentally challenging.

Low: Discovering my lawn mower battery had died during the week. (Dang this homeowner stuff!)

High: Representing Ragnar Relays at Fleet Feet Adirondack Wednesday night. Had lots of fun with our 101 session and met some great people! (P.S. if you have never heard of Ragnar Relay, you should definitely check it out!)

High: Having some time to actually RELAX and enjoy some down time – like I said, being home and not on the road for work makes a BIG difference.

High: 6 am swims on Wednesday and Friday. I seriously love my early mornings in the pool, especially at the Saratoga Y – everyone is so friendly there and I love the windows that look outside at the end of the pool – best way to start the day!

High: Going to dinner with my sister and Baby J on Friday night – we checked out a new local restaurant and bar!

High: My new Betty kit! Love the Jacquard kit… it’s bright orange on the left side (more visible to cars) and ruby red on the right – killer color combo! – Want one?!, You can get your own here:

High: Chicken BBQ with my parents after my long run on Sunday. I was a bit of a mess, and the family time and good food was what I needed!

Turns out I had way more highs than lows this week – which is always good! (Even if a few of the low points felt a bit overwhelming!!)

Got to stay postiive, especially since I’m staring down a heavy training week with an epic weekend ahead – on the docket this weekend is 100 mile bike with a short run after on Saturday, then another hour of biking Sunday, my nephews baptism, and finally a 2 hour, 15 minute run. Then it’s a quick taper to IM 70.3 Raleigh the following weekend! A bit daunting to think of it all at once, but luckily I only have to tackle it one step at a time!!

But first, it’s time to officially recap this past week:

Weekly Workouts//

  • Monday – Rest Day & caught up with some friends in the ‘cuse!
  • Tuesday – 60 minute Run with 6x2min hill repeats
  • Wednesday- 3200 yard swim
  • Thursday – 1 hour 45 minute bike with speed work, 10 minute run
  • Friday – 3200 yard swim, 6×500 descending plus a cool down
  • Saturday – 5 hour 15 minute bike, 60 minute run
  • Sunday – 2 hour run

Total Time: 13 hours

  • Swim: 6400 yards/ 1 hour 50 minutes
  • Bike: 111 miles/7 hours
  • Run: 25 miles/4 hours 10 minutes

Photo Recap//

Well, this is a new one. Can’t believe how little rain we’ve been getting!

  More positivity… Good thoughts… And butterflies.

The culprit battery… ugh.

New Betty! ❤Well, this should last for about 1.5 days.

Bronco. Seriously, he can flop anywhere!   Because I’m too lazy to shop for myself… tried out Golden Tote. Definitely picked up some different and new styles to try!

Bronco v. garbage – he tried to pass it off like he didn’t know what happened.

…unfortuantely for Bronco, the plastic hanging from his tooth gave him away.

And a closing thought as we all start the week out:

This is definitely the truth. I’ve had various people that have challenged me, inspired me and helped change my life.  (i.e. Hello Ironman, would have never thought this possible 5 years ago. A special thanks Meghan for pushing me and making me believe this was in the relm of possiblities.)

I’ve had a number of people in my life that have challenged me, inspired me, and have changed my life in various ways over the years. My classmates from college, my Purdue cohort in grad school, my various mentors, my friends that I’ve met over the years, my family, and the community that I grew up in and have been blessed to return to.

Ok, enough sentimentalism, I could probably go on this topic for a while, since as I’ve gotten older I’ve come to realize that the quality of the people that you share your life with is one of the most important things in life. Without people to share the highs and lows, the wins and losses, the achievements and failures, life just is not as sweet.

So with that, thank you for sharing in my highs and lows from this last week. I hope that you  had more high points than low in your own life last week – and if not, it’s ok. We all have our highs and lows from week to week and month to month, but I do wish you the best of days and that you’ll always be able to pick out a silverlining no matter how tough the outlook appears.


Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes

CaptureHow do you measure a year in the life?

In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee
In inches, in miles. in laughter, in strife.

In five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes.

Seasons of Love, RENT


Looking back on the past year, I just cannot believe how much has changed. How much has come and gone from my life. All the new experiences, adventures, people and places.

With Thanksgiving being last week, I was very busy working on prepping my house that I’ve owned for all of 3 whole weeks, buying food, and figuring out how to cook a full Thanksgiving meal for my family in between traveling to Syracuse for work, finalizing my prior house for sale, hanging out with friends and sneaking a few workouts in.

To say the very least, the past two weeks were quite the whirlwind of events (per usual, welcome to my world). However, despite the fact I was super busy, I also felt very relaxed, happy and definitely extremely blessed.

I know that most people typically wait until the New Year to review the prior year and look forward to the next, but Thanksgiving just seems like the appropriate time for me to take a step back and really look at everything. I cannot believe what a difference a year can make. There have been so many changes in my life. Last year I was struggling with a relationship that ended, I was struggling with whether or not I would race a second 70.3, and was questioning a lot of things in my life. This year I have moved to a new city, a new home, I have completed my second 70.3 and signed up for my third AND for my first full 140.6 Ironman event. I have made new friends, joined a new triathlon team with T2 Multisport, experienced new things (hello CX!), somehow secured a spot on Team Betty 2015 (still so pumped!) and worked to embrace life to its fullest taking the bad along with the good.

Despite feeling a bit lost this time last year, I did know and hold on to one fact – I had an amazing childhood and an amazing family that continues to love and support me. They have proven that they will support me even when I do crazy things – you know, like sign up for an Ironman event, or make the decision to move to be closer to home despite holding a job in a city 2.5 hours away – I know that I am truly blessed to have this support.

And I also found that I had a few truly amazing and steadfast friends that helped me immensely this past year – through cups of coffee (or pints of beer), workouts, conversations, and even a little assistance packing up a moving truck – you guys have been amazing and I can’t thank you enough.

I don’t know what this next year will bring, but I do know that I am excited for every experience – both good and bad – that will come with the next five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes.


Weekly Workouts//

 Week 1:

Monday – Tuesday – Wednesday – Work conference in Indianapolis/embracing the “off” season…

Thursday – 20 Min Bike, 3 Mile Run

Friday – 30 min Strength Session

Saturday – Swim Ladder 1800 yd

Sunday – 3 Mile Run

 Week 2:

Monday – Rest Day/Buy Local Bash & Travel

Tuesday – 30 min Strength Training

Wednesday – 45 Min OUTDOOR Bike

Thursday – 1 Hour Trainer Ride

Friday – Sick Day

Saturday – Run 3 miles

Sunday – Sick Day… should have just taken it easy on Saturday!


Weekly Photo Recap//

Our company tied in a community service project with a few other companies and the Indianapolis COLTS with the Thanksgiving season. Had the opportunity to participate in the Million Meal Marathon in Indianapolis!


Airplane time = thinking time.


So I’ve owned the new house for 2 weeks and a couple of trees fell down on my deck… this is what I came home to.

IMG_0156.JPGIMG_0153.JPGWe WILL be replacing the blinds… good ole Bronco.


Date Night! (Can’t believe there was agreement to this…) IMG_0159.JPGWith a little help… the fallen trees are now next year’s bonfire/campfire wood! 🙂

IMG_0162Officially Official! Loved seeing the announcement and the start of our discussion forum – so many amazing stories of amazing women! Not sure how I was selected but so excited to be a part of #teambetty15! betty_manifesto_outlinesA little reminder from a fellow Betty: IMG_0192

Buy local bash at the Landmark. Crappy picture of a gorgeous building. If you have never been inside the Landmark Theater in Syracuse, you must go

IMG_0170Clarks Ale House is open and I’m back in Syracuse. Obviously this had to happen:

IMG_0172Got to hang with this dude in Syracuse this week.

IMG_0190Yes, it happened. Can’t wait until next year’s CX season!

IMG_0168Just 3 hours after my outdoor bike ride… winter wonderland has fallen on us!

IMG_0195Mini pumpkin pies for all!


About mid-point on cooking the Thanksgiving Feast!IMG_0205Had to get a little creative with the oven space…

IMG_0202Whoo-hoo! First ever full thanksgiving meal that I have prepped! AND we managed to fit all of us around my kitchen island/dining room table mish-mash.

IMG_0216Bronco is thankful for puffy vests that fall on the floor!

IMG_0217Yep, claimed this one.

IMG_0211Family photo time!

IMG_0215Outside lights are up!

IMG_0223.JPGI have a lot of railings…

IMG_0225.JPGRemember the GIANT knitting needles that I shared in my last post? We’ll here is the finished project! A blanket in about 3 hours time!


Absolutely LOVE how it came out – and it was a fun and fast project! IMG_0234.JPG

More good news! I qualified again this year – sadly, I once again will be unable to participate since it is the weekend AFTER Ironman Lake Placid. Maybe next year…


Last (but certainly not least) Miss Roxie relaxing. Not sure how this position is comfortable, but she seems to be happy with it.


Cheers! Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!!


Sprinting! Goals Attained, & a solid PR!

Ahh where to start?

I don’t know.

All I know is that somehow, from what feels like out of the blue, I accomplished a silent goal that I secretly hoped for five years ago. A goal that was seeded inside me after my first triathlon in 2009. Upon completion of Syracuse Irongirl, my first encounter with triathlon, I was so happy and excited about how the race had gone. I couldn’t believe that I had accomplished the goal of swimming, biking and running that race. I couldn’t believe that I had somehow completed the entire thing without resting once!

When I ran the Irongirl, I had never before officially run a 5K without taking a break. I was not really a swimmer, a biker or a runner, but that summer I somehow transformed myself from a person that walked often and ran occasionally (but not very far or very fast), into a triathlete. If you look back into the depths of the archives of this blog, you can read my very early beginnings of a triathlete (and blogger). You can also clearly see that I was immediately bitten by the “tribug” wondering how much better I could do this triathlon thing in the future.

I clearly remember 1) being so excited about how that day had gone and 2) looking at the times posted by the top finishers and secretly setting a goal where I would try to swim, bike and run as fast as they could.

Well, I can hardly believe it. But that day came. It came quietly. It was not surrounded with any big hurrah, and in truth, the milestone that I reached yesterday went slipped by me until I really sat down today to think about it. Yesterday, I raced in the Gillie Girl Sprint Triathlon. I was provided a corporate sponsored entry to the event due from a friend and was simply at the race to have a fun day with some friends that were also racing in the female only triathlon.

I knew going into the race that I was well prepared to cover the distance (seeing that I raced the 70.3 only a few weeks ago). My biggest concern was trying to get some speed out of my swim, bike and run since I have truly been focusing on endurance and distance to so long. If you have been reading, you would know I’ve had a few speed workouts during the past few weeks to try and get me ready to go, but I was still questioning what type of speed I would achieve.

Discussions with the coach circled around the fact that “it’s a sprint and it should hurt” and I was just concerned that I might lay it all out too soon and burn out before the finish. Due to a malfunction of my HR monitor (it now appears to be dead beyond repair) I raced blind – without data – yesterday. Truth be told, this caused me to hold back ever so slightly during the bike, but I really can’t complain since I had a good race overall.

At the start of our swim, we were told that the reigning champ of the race was in our swim wave (ages 25-34) and that we all should be gunning for her. (No pressure – ha.) During the swim, I could tell that I was second in my wave. This was a weird sensation as I have never been in a race and known so solidly where I stood as far as placing. I could see this girl just ahead of me as we dodged around the slower swimmers from the prior two waves. Upon the second loop of the swim course (Gille lake is really more of a pond…) I could tell that this other blue cap athlete 31 years old (my age group) and that she was just ahead of me but I was not going to catch her.

On the bike course, it was 10 minutes of trying to settle in and relax my heart rate before starting to push it again. At this point, the prior year race winner went whizzing by me – I knew then I would not be catching her on the bike… (or as it turns out, the run… she won again this year). At the turn for the bike, I saw the lead girl from my swim wave and knew I was a minute or two behind her, so she was gaining distance on me as well. So, I turned my focus to maintaining my place in the AG and pushing as hard as I could, while continuing to cheer for and encourage the athletes that I passed on the course. I just love events like this, with so many people giving triathlon a first try (tri?) and really proving to themselves that they can accomplish a goal that they set out to tackle!

For the run, I was really missing having my HR data to go by, however, I knew my HR was high. I focused on trying to settle myself into a high yet sustainable pace for the run. Admittedly what I am going to type here, is not going to match with the race results because the course was shy of 3.1 miles. However, my first mile I put down an 8 minute pace. Perfect! My second mile, I had leveled out my HR and was feeling good yet a little fatigued. I hit a 7:50 mile. The third mile was time to lay everything I had left down on the course. Once I reentered the park, it was mostly down hill to flat. I hit a average 7:30 pace for the last segment. Not my fastest 5K, but respectable considering I swam and biked first!

Overall, I finished the race in 1 Hour 20 minutes! I was pumped on this time, despite never catching the first girl in my AG. I knew I had a solid second place in my AG secured. I grabbed the medal, grabbed some water and chocolate milk and headed back out to watch my friends Erin, Meghan and Tristan finish the race. I knew Erin wasn’t too far behind me and that Meghan was about a mile and a half back. I was unsure of where Tristan was since I had missed seeing her out on the course… Erin finished in 1:27, Tristan at 1:44 and Meghan at 1:46!!

Amazing times for all and everyone met personal goals on the day!

It was not until Erin and I went to go check the race results that I found out that I came in 4th overall. Yes, 4th!!! I was stunned. I had no idea, I mean I knew I was early in on the finishers (especially since nobody was announcing finishers and the finish line did not have a lot of spectators yet…) but holy wow!! And Erin and I quickly realized we both had placed for our AG’s! Exciting Day!!

Swim: 11:56 (1:22/100yd)

T1: 01:03

Bike: 43:35 (19.7 mph)

T2: 01:18

Run: 22:50 (7:22/mi for 5K… actual course was 2.9 miles)

Total Time: 1 Hour, 20 Minutes, 44 Seconds. Resulting in a 1st place AG award (the top 3 winners are removed from the AG awards), and 4th overall finisher for the day.

It was upon review of these stats today, that I realized I had met my goal. I swam a solid swim split, I just about hit my silent goal of 20 mph on the bike, and I ran a solid run. I became one of those names at the top of the results page.  A silent goal that I had silently thought “it would be amazing, if someday…” but not one that I ever dared to utter out loud. Not until I accomplished it.

Now, in all fairness, I have gone through the self-doubt talk that can surround this, and that others might say. That it was not a super competitive triathlon, that finishing in the top doesn’t count because of X, Y, or Z. But really, at the end of the day, my numbers are my numbers. I met goals that I didn’t think were truly possible or attainable even 2 years ago – regardless of my overall ranking. Goals that I never dreamed would come to be. If I had told that girl writing this blog 5 years ago, that girl who had just finished her first triathlon, that in 5 years that same girl (or a more fit, and seasoned version of that girl) would be contending with some of the faster triathletes, that this girl would have completed two 70.3 triathlons and be on the verge of signing up for her first Ironman – I would have laughed right in my own face.

Today it hit me. I truly have accomplished a goal I secretly set out to accomplish five years ago. A goal I didn’t believe was truly attainable until it snuck up on me, and I realized the day had come and gone.

Today was for silent celebration of that goal (well, almost silent, since I am now broadcasting it to the world… but if you’re reading this blog, this is where I get to brag since it really serves as my review of my athletic journey, both past and present.)

Today was for recognition of how many things I have accomplished in the past five years. In not only my athletic endeavors, but my professional endeavors and my personal life. Not everything has been, or is, perfect. Perfection will never truly be achieved, but life is better that way.

Not everything has been easy (remember when I was calling “Uncle” earlier this year?), some things have taken more work and dedication, some heartache, and some tough days and times to achieve. And I know that moving forward, as I tackle new goals and encounter new opportunities and challenges in life that there will be ups and downs, but in the end, it will all be worth it.



Weekly Workouts//

  • Monday – Yoga – 60 Minutes
  • Tuesday – AM– Swim 2000 – Decending 300s
  • Tuesday – PM- Run 40 Minutes – 4.6 Miles
  • Wednesday – OWS at Gillie Lake, 1:30 Bike – 25 Miles
  • Thursday – Swim 1700
  • Friday – 1:30 Ride – 28 miles with Sprints
  • Saturday – Pre-Race 40 Minute Brick with OWS, Bike and Run
  • Sunday – Gille Girl Sprint Triathlon!

Weekly Totals//

  • Swim – 1 Hour, 10 minutes – 4100 yards
  • Bike – 3 Hours – 53 Miles
  • Run – 40 minutes – 4.6 miles
  • Brick – 40 minutes – 600m swim/ 5 mile Bike/1 mile Run
  • Race – 1 hour, 20 minutes – 800m swim/ 14 mile Bike/ 3.1 mile Run
  • Total Time – 7 hours, 50 minutes

Weekly Photo Recap//

Ended last Sunday watching this on netflix… agh memories of childhood! I always wanted to play in a giant world… plus you’ve got to love the 80s gear!

20140720-203604-74164833.jpgBronco doing what he does best… keep away!
20140720-203608-74168396.jpgIt’s FINALLY here! The wetsuit I ordered before the 70.3… just in time for my race this past weekend!
20140720-203606-74166549.jpgStarting to break in the marathon sneakers… 5 Miles logged, only 100000000 more to go before the marathon (ok, kidding, but seriously, I’m going to be logging some serious miles {for me} in the next couple months)!

P.S. I love how brightly colored running shoes are these days!

20140720-203607-74167500.jpgBeverages on a rainy night. I refuse to sit inside!! On the plus side of all these storms, I got to see my 3rd rainbow in 3 nights!!


Reading up on marathon training theory and advice. Yes, I’m a complete runerd.  20140720-203709-74229896.jpg

My friend sent me this last week. LOVE LOVE LOVE it!

Back on a kick of listening to this band.
All. Week. Long. 

During the past year, all my favorite bands (and singers) have been coming out of New Zealand, further proof that it’s a kick @$$ place! 


Ahhh, race advice from my coach. This scared and excited me for the race all at once!


And then we had some love from my TX cousins! Miss these cuties!!  20140720-203708-74228854.jpg

Rox cracked me up this week… she is hiding under the bed until I shut the light out, in hopes of sneaking up onto the bed later in the evening… this night, her hiding skills were slacking slightly.

A trip to Vermont for work = maple frozen yogurt. a-maz-ing!

…don’t mind me, I’m just uhh, smelling these plants…  yea, that’s what I’m doing…


Our T2 Kits finally arrived! (about a month late, but oh well…!)20140720-203912-74352112.jpg

Bronco post grooming on Saturday – he smelled like a petunia! (until rolling around in the dirt in the back yard… I think he was embarrassed to smell like a flower..)
All checked in for Sunday’s event!

Race = Blue Nail Polish.

Yay Tradition!  (5 Years running… literally…)


Saturday afternoon’s activity: Dilly Beans.

Admittedly, still a newbie at canning, so I’m pretty sure there is a lot of room for improvement on these babies, but they’re successfully sealed!


My favorite part about Sunday’s race?

Racing with these ladies!!  Love my triathlon friends!


Whoop Whoop! Congrats to Erin! 2nd in her AG!!!

This girl is amazing – only her second season racing!!
And, still in shock over my award and placement for the day! 20140720-204009-74409646.jpg


So last week I alluded to project #2 but did not show anything for it… here it is! I found an old rusty lantern, and refinished it! While some may say it was worth more before I repainted it, I have to say I just love how it came out (and I don’t have to worry about the rust or lead paint anymore…)




Unsure why, but I’m loving banana flavored things lately. Which is weird because I’m not a HUGE banana fan to start with, but… I’m rolling with it!

Finally, this is my alarm for tomorrow. Since I missed my long run yesterday for the race, it’s now on the schedule for tomorrow. Why I thought marathon training was going to be a good idea, I do not know. I am just happy that the 4:15 alarm is at least still in the off position.



Post-Race… what now?

Now that I finally posted my 70.3 Race Recap, it’s back to my normal weekly updates. Yes, unlike last year when I left the 70.3 discouraged and in need of a break from triathlon, this year I am rolling onward!

So what’s next?

Over the past few months as I was training for the 70.3, I was silently adding a few events to my race calendar.

First up, I am going to run the Boilermaker for my 4th year straight. I have a love-hate relationship with this event. The event is amazing in the pure size of the race – 14,000 runners. It is also a bit difficult for that same reason (a lot of runners to weave through). Each year I have seen some improvement to my time, but each year around mile 7, I crash and burn with the heat. This year I’m hoping for something better, especially with my better understanding of running based on HR and having a better grasp on nutrition needed to sustain pace.

The weekend following Boilermaker, I’m going to participate in Gillie Girl! I’m excited for this one, it’s an all women’s race and I was provided with a sponsored spot – I love sprint triathlons for the fact that they let you tap into some speed and end in a couple hours. Plus I have a handful of friends racing in this one so it should be a ton of fun – I can’t wait to check out the course over the next couple of weeks and just enjoy the day!

Annnnd, after that, I’ve crossed to the dark side. I’ve signed up for my first ever marathon. (Something I swore I would never do… and there lies the obvious problem with saying never…). Throughout the spring, my friend Saara and I were discussing the potential of running a marathon, in early May we decided it was time to pull the trigger and take the plunge!  After some procrastination from both sides, we officially registered on May 24th and will be taking on this challenge together.

As far as the course selected, we were challenged by each of our schedules, so we finally settled on the Adirondack Marathon in Schroon Lake. (Plus the medal’s looked really cool – that’s the real reason to select a race, right?!) On the plus side, the marathon will be absolutely gorgeous as the course runs around Schroon Lake. On the not so plus side, since signing up for this event, I’ve had a number of people tell me that this course is one of the most difficult marathon courses… I seriously have a knack for selecting really challenging courses. Someday I’ll actually race on a flat and fast course…. someday…. but the goal for this one will be to finish. It won’t be the fastest marathon, but I’m certain it will be memorable as it is my first!

Now, I guess I have some work ahead of me. The longest run that I have ever completed is 14 miles, and that was back on Easter Day of this year.  I’ve maintained my base of 13 miles since that time for the 70.3, but now I have to add on 13 more miles to bring me to race day. Here’s to hoping that the 70.3 endurance training will help carry me to the start line and milage needed as I train through the summer months!!  My first long run for this starts next weekend (yes, I will be incorporating hills).

So I guess the good news – if you enjoyed following my journey to the start line of the 70.3, you can keep reading as I work my way to the start line of my first marathon!

In the meantime, I have a few things to share with you all as I wrap up this week’s write up. First, if you have ever participated in triathlon (and even if you haven’t) here is a fabulous article that is all too true: So you wanna be a Triathlete! (Read it, you’ll get a couple laughs.)

And second, please watch this video… #LikeAGirl Video. THIS is a video that everyone should take a minute to watch, and we should all learn from. I can remember feeling like this as I tried to run indoor track and play softball in high school. However, I’m happy to report that field hockey was a different story… but maybe because it was somewhat insulated since it was viewed as a sport for girls – despite the fact that it’s a mens sport in every. other. country.

Weekly Workouts//

  • Monday – 60 minutes of Yoga. My life needs more of this. Flexibility & relaxation are both good things.
  • Tuesday – 50 Minute Recovery Ride
  • Wednesday – 20 Minute Recovery Swim
  • Thursday – Rest/Travel Day (was supposed to run, but with a 16 hour work day, it just didn’t happen)
  • Friday – AM – 30 Minute Recovery Ride (from prior day)
  • Friday – PM – 1500 yd Swim Ladder
  • Saturday – 1:30 Bike Ride
  • Sunday – 1:00 Run <– In the heat, prep for Boilermaker!

Weekly Totals//

  • Swim – 45 minutes – 2700 yards
  • Bike – 2 hours, 20 minutes – 25 Miles outside, and rest on the trainer
  • Run – 1 hour, 30 minutes – 9.8 miles
  • Brick – None
  • Total Time – 4 hours, 30 minutes

Weekly Photo Recap//

Yes! So many good memories from childhood.


A little baseball (until the storms rolled in…)


When you work in the dairy industry… sometimes random people dressed as cows show up to events.


My RAOK gift landed!


Hot Dogs – Post an afternoon walk.20140629-194320-71000597.jpg

The biggest Lilly I’ve ever seen… it’s as tall as me!20140629-194319-70999747.jpg

Road Trip Snack. 20140629-194316-70996179.jpg

Early Morning Hotel Treadmill Session. 20140629-194317-70997036.jpg

Vermont Bagel Sandwich – serious business! 20140629-194317-70997905.jpg

Giant Rice Krispy Cookie. Love. 20140629-194318-70998850.jpg

I was craving salad. So I went to town! 20140629-194322-71002367.jpg

Family cookouts. 20140629-194323-71003241.jpg

Treasures Found. 20140629-194321-71001484.jpg

Next Triathlon…


And next milestone (what was I thinking….?)


Best wishes to all for a fantastic week ahead!

What did you do this weekend?

Have any races on your schedule, please share with me!!
