Category Archives: family

A Childhood Worth Celebrating.

Many people use Thanksgiving as a day to count their blessings. A day to reflect and give thanks. However, as we all know (but may not be very good at actually doing), we should give thanks everyday for the opportunities and blessings that we have in our lives. The blessings of food, shelter, water and air. The blessing to be born in a country that is not in a state of war, or one that persecutes people for their religious or other personal beliefs. The blessing to have a large family that loves you, even when you are all driving each other crazy. The blessing to have a bed to lie in, a warm cup of tea, and socks on our feet.

Today is a day of giving thanks for blessings big and small.

I have many things to be thankful for and grateful for. Blessings that I can count each and every day, not just on the day where you are supposed to count them.

I am lucky. I truly have been so blessed in my life.

For November, I took on the blessing a day challenge, and have a list of things that I am thankful for. An item for each day, it’s now 28 blessings deep. The happy part of this challenge is that it was not a difficult task for me, and I honestly could have written more than one thing per day (and sometimes did).  However, no need to worry, I won’t be providing my list here. Instead, I’ve decided just to write about one blessing that I believe has been so instrumental in forming and helping to provide me with the rest of my blessings:

I was born into an amazing childhood.

There is no denying it (although I know my 10 or 12 or even 16 year old self would have argued otherwise at times…).

I had two parents that loved me, two sisters to grow up with, a large family that was enveloping and close (most of them lived within a 5 mile radius), and was raised to remain humble and modest.

Growing up, I had experiences that provided tough love and skills to last a lifetime.

My mom was my 4-H leader, my youth group leader, and all around cheerleader for my life. She watched my field hockey and softball games, and encouraged me to learn to ski, play the clarinet, the piano, to cook, sew, wire lamps, and learn woodworking. She also let me and my friends do crazy things like build a giant 6 foot tree out of wire, cardboard and duct tape in the basement for a competition we were once in… But more importantly she also knew to let me have experiences and encourage me to venture out on my own for week long summer camps in the Adirondacks where I learned to love camping, kayaking, sailing, hiking, and how to build lifelong friendships over the course of a few days. (Even though it scared the crap out of me, being the shy introverted 9 year old kid that I was – these experiences taught me how to be more independent and outgoing.)

My dad worked hard (and still works hard) every day on the family farm to bring the best quality eggs to the local restaurants, convenience stores, grocery stores, and homes. Raising chickens, growing the crops, feeding the flock, gathering the eggs, packing the eggs and of course scooping the manure. I may have complained about having to help out on the farm sometimes but I’m so grateful for the work ethic my father and the lifestyle taught me.

[As a side note: I’m also grateful that my dad never got (too) angry when he came home and discovered the house was littered with barbies, legos, and homemade play dough – or when my sisters and I had the couch cushions strung around the living room so we didn’t have to touch the floor which had turned to molten lava while he was out in the barn. Thanks Dad, you’re the best! Love, Your Favorite (no worries, your secret is safe with me) Eldest (is this safer?) Daughter]

Yes, I’ll admit it. As a child, I was often embarrassed that I grew up on a farm. Embarrassed that I had skills to successfully cook (this was before the foodie movement), sew and design outfits (before project runway was even an idea in some producer’s brain) and build a shelf or other woodworking project . Embarrassed that I was different. I didn’t have the latest clothes, video games, or toys. I didn’t get to just go walk down the street to hang out with friends, go to the mall to shop, or head to see the latest movie whenever I wanted.

What I did had was so. much. better.

Even if I didn’t realize it until later in life when I got to college.

Even if I’m still realizing it.

Seriously, how many people that are 29 years old know how to cook, bake, construct a front porch, sew a quilt, knit a sweater, take every opportunity she could to travel, and finish a mid-distance triathlon? (And are crazy enough to sign up again… more on that later).

Seriously. I. am. weird. different. That’s never going to change. Nor do I want it to.

I look at my life and sometimes don’t know how I became the person that I am today. It’s a little crazy when I think about it. How did I learn to do all of these things, and when did I become the girl that is always looking for the next adventure to go on? When I start to wonder these things, I realize, I just need to look at my childhood and thank my parents. I was encouraged to learn everything that I could, to pursue my dreams, and to never give up or give in when things are tougher than you thought they would be.

So this Thanksgiving, I want to take a moment to publicly thank my Mom and Dad for not letting me have the newest toys and gadgets, for not letting me go to the mall to hang with friends, and for making me work on the farm during the weekends. You both taught me more than I could ever hope to teach my own children (when the time comes), and provided me with a best thing a child could ever wish for – endless love and a childhood worth celebrating.


It’s been a crazy couple of weeks and I haven’t had time to write anything… sometime soon I’ll write up a post, but in the meantime, I thought I’d do a fun quick survey I saw a couple other bloggers post! (Enjoy this random view into my daily life!)

Current Book: Tell the Wolves I’m Home. Tell-the-wolves-im-home
Current Music: Going through a Grouplove phase this week.never_trust_a_happy_song_grouplove_album Current Guilty Pleasure: Danish Cream Ice Cream… with raspberry topping… when I can get my hands on it.

ice_cream_man_greenwich_exterior-thumb-525x393-11374Current Nail Color: OPI – Rising Star

risingstarbottleCurrent Drink: Iced Green Tea from Panera

IMG_1117 Current Food: Salad’s from Panera, or Burrito Bowls from Chipotle.

Turkey-Fuji-Apple-Salad-Panera burrito bowlCurrent Favorite Show: Orange is the New Black (but only until the Walking Dead returns…)

orange-is-the-new-blackCurrent Wish List: Happiness and health for my friends and family.

Current Needs: Food, Water, Air, Love & Support.

Sorry if these don’t seem like genuine answers but I seriously feel like I have all the material things I want or really need. As I get older wiser, I’m finding my focus shift more and more to the things that can’t be found on a store shelf. (Although I can’t deny that I still love getting new running shoes, outfits, trinkets, etc…)

Current Indulgence: Does running at Green Lakes count? …I’m going to go with yes, since I suppose I could just run in my neighborhood instead of making the drive out to the park. I just love running here, between the roads, lake trails, the meadows and the woods there are so many different terrains and trails to choose from. Plus it’s nice to just disconnect for a while and get lost to think on a long run!

20130821-165807.jpgCurrent Blessing: Honestly, I have a lot of blessings to be thankful for in my life – my health, my family, my friends, I could go on for a while but I guess if I had to pick one current blessing, I am so happy that I got to see my college roomie LW the past two weekends! LW moved to New Zealand after college and met her husband – they recently expanded their family with the addition of baby Paige! We only get to see each other every couple of years (other than our skype dates) and it was so awesome to get to hang with her!
20130821-165745.jpgCurrent Outfit: How about favorite current outfit? My dark blue jeans and striped top or pink plaid shirt and my sandals – would have a pic for you but, the clothes are currently in the laundry…..

Current Excitement: Race season is winding down for me (thankfully… it’s been a crazy one… seriously. Who does that?!) but I still have Ragnar ADK to look forward to!

20130821-170018.jpgBeing a Ragnar Captain.

A few of my happy things.

There are a number of things that have made my week fantastic. I thought I’d throw a few of the highlights out on this sunny afternoon before starting another fun weekend here in CNY!

3 Miles at a 7:18 pace… on trail… (Whoot!)
Beaver Lake

Kickball complete with Walkout Songs (I know..old picture, but you get the point…).


A visit to Vermont



A few hours with the family in ENY (and a few 2 week old kittens…)







6 years of Racing


Tough Muddin’


DSC_0480My sidekick & her antics.

20130729-113527.jpgNew Running Sneakers (Day Glow Yellow- Bonus!)

20130802-094802.jpgGifts from afar…

20130802-094925.jpgZoo Brew!


& 6 months of playlists, beers, dinners, races, road trips, & adventures.

These are a few of my happy things.

I hope you have a incredible weekend!  I know I will since I’ll be volunteering at Irongirl Saturday and then cheering on all my friends during the race Sunday.  To my friends: you are all amazing – have a blast and enjoy every minute!!  You’ve worked hard, and now it’s time to just have fun!!

Festivities and Family.

This past weekend was a crazy and fun weekend – lots of family, friends and fun packed into the 4 day holiday weekend. A and I kicked off the weekend on Wednesday by going to see Despicable Me 2 – I loved loved loved the first Despicable Me and was so excited to see the second movie. (Yes, I am really only 5 years old…) I am happy to report that the movie did not disappoint even though it was a sequel – the minions and Agnes are still just as awesome in the second movie as in the first!

GruPrincessDespicableMe2_article_story_mainThursday was July 4th & the only day that A and I didn’t have any set plans – so obviously the day was amazing. We were not sure what we wanted to do, so the day and decisions throughout the day were determined by flipping a coin. Heads, we head north – Tails, we head south. We ended up heading to Ithaca with Roxeroo for a day of hiking, eating and relaxing… It was pretty amazing, we hiked at Taughannock Falls, ate at CTB (most amazing sandwiches ever…) and then chilled in Fall Creek for the afternoon before heading back north to meet up with P & R & a few other friends to check out the fireworks displays in Syracuse. 20130709-100951.jpg20130709-101009.jpg20130709-101022.jpg

20130709-101049.jpgOn Friday, I woke up early and made the most amazing cookies that I’ve ever made… S’mores bars! But these are not just any s’mores bars, I seriously feel like this recipe combines together to form unicorn pixie dust and rainbows inside the cookies. If I was a mean person, I would just keep the recipe as my own personal secret weapon, but since I’m not truly a mean person – I will let you all in on my source of such magic. You can find the recipe here on Janae’s blog: The Hungry Runner Girl. Seriously, it’s amazing. So amazing that after I delivered the first batch to A’s family party, my life was threatened if I ever showed up with them again since they couldn’t stop eating them. I know this really means I just have to bring them again… so what if they have a bazillion calories in each bar?!

Saturday was S&C’s wedding day!  It was a very hot but very good day for a wedding.  It was so much fun celebrating the start of their new life together with coworkers and friends. Plus, S had covered every last detail for the wedding with little personal details – from the ribbons made out of scrap fabric to the popsicles served after the ceremony and the salsa dance lesson that we all had fun with!  It was a great day and I am so happy for them – I’m just sad to see S leave us to head to Alaska to start her new life… although this means I now have a definite reason to check my visit to Alaska off my bucket list! (Bonus!)

Sam WEddinhgS&Cweddinggroup photofamilypicnicFinally, the weekend wrapped with my annual family reunion.  Every fourth of July, my mom invites all the relatives near and far to attend a cookout at our house.  This year we had a particularly large gathering with 92 people in attendance (including all my cousin’s babies).  It was another scorcher of a day – and a long trip to ENY and back, but so worth it to catch up with everyone and to get a family picnic 2few snapshots of people enjoying their time together.  Also, my cousin J made a lawn jenga set which was a ton of fun, but super dangerous for little kiddos – hello 2×2 super sized jenga pieces… no so kid friendly – although they all wanted to have a go at it.  I finally was the one stuck with no easy move left and toppled the tower over, but it was all in good fun!


Thankful Thoughts

Note:  The below post has been sitting in my drafts for the past week, I just never took the time to post it, so the intro is a little dated but rather than revise it, I’m just throwing it up since it reflects what was going on at the time I was putting the thoughts down.
This week I have been traveling for work. If you know me, you’re probably aware that my travel schedule has gotten much more extensive in the past few years. You probably also know that the travel is not always very high on the “things I like about my job” list… especially on nights like tonight where I have been stranded by the airlines in a city that I was only supposed to be passing through. While I was sitting on my delayed plane, on the runway, waiting to pull up to the gate, waiting for my gate checked luggage, running through the airport, and discovering that my connection left only 5 minutes prior… Most people would get really upset (actually most people were really upset – lots of missed connections) but I could only think about this post that I drafted last night. It’s so easy to worry about and get upset over things that are completely out of our control. Things that really don’t matter in the long run. The inconveniences in life. However, with what happened in Boston on Monday and in Waco last night, I can only think about how lucky I am. Even when things don’t go as planned. Even when I’ll only get 2 or 3 hours of sleep before going back to the airport…

But anyway, back to the task at hand. As I said, this week I have been thinking about how blessed I have been in my life.  I’ve had my ups and downs, but everyone goes through various periods of their life that are better than others. However, overall, I really have had a wonderful life with many great experiences and opportunities.  Some of these experiences I have worked hard for and others have seemed to just fall into place, but regardless of the circumstances that brought them to my life, I feel very fortunate and never try to take anything in this crazy ride called life for granted.

In light of this, I thought I would spend today’s post just highlighting a few of the things that I am truly grateful in my life:

  • Family and Friendships
    • Relationships both old and new -my relationships with friends and family provide me with strength to get through difficult times and make the good times better.  I am blessed to have a large extended family and a group of friends that make life fun.  I am also blessed to be involved in a number of groups which allows me to constantly meet new people and make new friends!  

  • Health
    • I am a very active person who enjoys running, biking, kayaking, hiking, swimming, skiing – the list can go on and on… I am grateful to have a body and my health which allows me to do these things.
    • Often I can take my health and wellness for granted, but even a simple cold will make me realize how precious health and wellness is, and how important it is to keep taking care of you body.  
Fronhofer Triathlon, August 2010

  • Opportunities to Travel
    • I’ve been blessed to take a number of trips overseas as well as some travel within the States for school, work and yes even a few fun vacations. 
    • These experiences have allowed me to open my eyes to different experiences and lifestyles around the world – each time I travel I gain a new appreciation for both the beauty and hardship that this world can bring.
Hanging out in Cuiaba, Brazil last Spring

  • Career 
    • I have a great job where I work for farmers – at the end of the day, even on the most frustrating days, I realize that I do have a fulfilling job since I help to give the farmers a voice in the supply chain.
    • Second, the agriculture community is second to none.  Overall, people are caring and kind and look out for one another.  Growing up in a rural community I was lucky to realize this early on, and it’s something I value greatly. 

    • Last but not least: The best JRT ever.
      • No worries, I’d never forget Roxie! She’s been a great sidekick for the past 7 years, and I hope we can spend many more years together.  

    As I finished up my list of the top 5 things, I realized I had another item to add to my list. The fact that I didn’t immediately have to list food, clothing or shelter on the above list. It’s easy to forget that these basic needs are not readily available to every person. I am extremely fortunate that I am not wondering where my next meal is coming from, or where I’ll sleep tonight. I think many too people, especially those of us who don’t have to worry about them on a daily basis, take these basic human rights of food and shelter for granted.

    Ok, I’ll step down off my little podium.  I just felt the need to write something a little more meaningful than my typical updates this week with all the craziness that has gone down.

    What are you thankful for?