Category Archives: flowers

NYC Food Adventures: Part 4

Well, I had been working hard to get these posts up each day last week, but fell off the wagon for these last two posts. If you missed my updates on my first few days in NYC and our discussions around food, you can find them here: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3.

Day 4 of our trip we headed out to the North Fork of Long Island to visit a few growers and to learn about the challenges that agriculture faces on Long Island.

Our first visit was to Stony Brook University’s Business Incubator. We met with the 2 staff members that oversee the building to learn about how they are trying to help new food businesses grow and develop into viable longterm businesses.

Essentially, if you want to start a business that requires food preparation, processing or packaging there is a lot of very expensive equipment needed to be able to produce in volumes large enough to sell at retail. Commercial grade (and sized) ovens, coolers, and other equipment is very expensive and often stops individuals from growing their businesses from roadside farm-stands into food items that could be found at the farmers market or retail. In addition to the equipment needed, there are a lot of regulations from the Department of Health in terms of the area in which food prep is conduced, and the FDA oversees labeling requirements.

The idea behind the incubator was to provide facilities to help lower start up costs, and also to provide support from staff to help these start up companies navigate the packaging guidelines and other regulation. In addition to providing these services, the incubator is working to connect local food producers to the individuals with the business concept to try and enhance grower returns in Long Island.


It was really neat to tour the facility and understand how the incubator is trying to help businesses. While we were there, we spoke with Steven Amaral, Executive Chocolatier of the North Fork Chocolate Company. He was making chocolates to bring to farmer markets and outlet malls to sell. The chocolates he was producing were a work of art and used many local ingredients from Long Island.


Next, we headed a bit further out on the island and visited a certified organic farm, Garden of Eve. Garden of Eve is home to a fairly large farm stand, CSA and agriculture tourism site. (Note, picture to the left.)

We met with Chris and he explained the challenges of growing produce on Long Island as well as the advantages. His biggest challenge is land costs and availability. Long Island is a very populated place (although, it actually still had a surprising amount of open land in my opinion), and to be able to expand the Garden of Eve, they would need a crazy amount of money.

Chris mentioned there was a nearby farm for sale – 50 acres, for $4,000,000. That’s about $80,000 per acre! To put things in perspective, farmland in Upstate New York would range closer to $4,000 per acre. AND to make things even more difficult, to be certified organic, Chris would have a 3 year waiting period before this land would be certified and he would really be able to start using it. So, at the end of the day, buying more land is just not a viable option for their farm.


After we spoke with Chris, he gave us a tour of their farm. Since it was still quite cold out, they were just getting ready for the spring planting season. We visited the greenhouse were some planting was going on, and he showed us some of the unique equipment he has for transplanting and weeding crops.  It was pretty neat to see the innovative equipment they had available to them since labor availability is also a challenge that they face.

On the opportunity side of farming in Long Island, Chris pointed to the obvious benefit of having a large population in Long Island and NYC to sell his products to. This is what has helped them become successful, especially as more people want to understand where their food is coming from and how it is produced.


In addition to produce, Garden of Eve offers free-range, organic eggs and has paired up with other producers to offer meat along with their produce CSA. It was kind of neat to see the chickens in their little coops out in the field.


It was also interesting to learn about how the farm keeps their birds safe since there are a number of predators present on Long Island. They have official guard dogs (seriously, we couldn’t touch them – it was expressed that they were not pets!) for the birds that are trained to protect the birds from raccoons and other potential dangers.  Despite the fact that these dogs were not pets, they were still pretty adorable (although I bet that changes when the flock is threatened!)


As with all of these visits, I feel like there is so much that I’m not sharing! If you want to learn more about Garden of Eve, check out their website!

After the Garden of Eve, we headed to the Polish Hall in Riverhead for lunch and to discuss issues around land availability in Long Island. For this discussion we had a panel of speakers including people from Long Island Farm Bureau, American Farmland Trust and the Peconic Land Trust. Again we learned about the struggles that producers have in buying land on the Island, especially those farmers that want to start a new operation. The land costs prohibit many people from trying to start up. One thing that drives the cost of the land up, that many would not consider, is what was referred to as ‘high net worth’ individuals that come to Long Island to start up or purchase equine (horse) farms. (Both Matt Lauer and Madonna were mentioned.) Celebrities and others with expendable income purchase the land at absorbent prices which drives the demand/cost up for everyone else. One way to combat this issue to keep the open spaces utilized for growing food is to remove both the developmental and equine rights from the land which will bring the values down closer to $20,000 per acre – a real bargain as compared to the $80,000, yet still a far cry from Upstate land values!!

Next visit for the day was at the CJ Van Bourgondien Greenhouses. We met with owners Bob and Mark to tour their greenhouses and learns about some of the obstacles and victories that their greenhouse business has been through and where they believe their future is headed. A quick visit to the ‘about us‘ section of the CJ Van Bourgondien website and you can see that the family’s roots run deep in the business, and that they have adapted to a number of changes throughout the years. (Rather than recap them here, I’ll let you go to their website if you are interested…)

Even though the Van Bourgondien family has overcome a number of past challenges, they are currently facing a few more. We discussed the stress that the recession has placed on their business with many people not spending extra money on flowers for their homes, then as soon as the economy started to gain momentum, Super Storm Sandy hit which caused many people to spend their money to replant trees and shrubs that had been washed away. In addition to these events, the family mentioned that a constant issue is working to compete with the larger chains (think Wal-mart, Lowes, Home Depot) and larger greenhouses that ship products into the region and serve the market at prices that are unattainable by a smaller business such as the Van Bourgondien’s.

One thing that has allowed Van Bourgoindien’s to continue is the technology that they employ at the greenhouses. They demonstrated their pot filler and the machine they use for replanting. (I wish I had a video of this to post, it was really neat!)


Additionally, they have modified their greenhouses to allow for large trays of plants to be moved around on a rail-based system. (you can see how large the trays are below.)



And one thing was certain – they grow some beautiful flowers. It was so nice to see hints of spring after spending a lot of our week touring around in the cold and snow!



Our last stop on Long Island was Pindar Vineyards. We started our visit with a tour of the facility and learned the methods that the winemaker, Edward, employs at the winery. Similar to our other tours, we had another discussion about the challenges that the winery faces.

Most of this discussion focused on the challenges of regulations surrounding alcohol sales and the distributor network. Additionally, we talked about the general costs of winemaking and the creative ways that Pindar has worked to try and cut costs out of their own process.




After our tour, Pindar provided us with wine tastings and we had our dinner brought in by a local caterer. It was nice because many of the speakers we had spent time with throughout the day joined us for dinner at the winery which allowed us to learn even more about Long Island agriculture!


All in all, the visit to Long Island was my second favorite day. I was completely amazed at everything that was going on to try and help farmers maintain sustainable businesses in the face of the challenges that are present. Until this trip, I was unaware that Long Island is home to some of the best soils in New York State due to glaciers depositing the soils there.

Long Island also has a large aquifer located beneath it which creates many opportunities, mainly available fresh water, as well as obstacles with battling pollution and run-off from various sources (homeowner fertilizers, golf course fertilizers, suburban runoff of oils and other chemicals, as well as any contribution that farming may have – although due to regulations farmers can tell you exactly how much fertilizers are used, when and where, and what risk of pollution is present).

At the end of the day I did learn that many things are grown on Long Island! I hope you enjoyed my long (yet very short considering all the things I didn’t tell you) post about Long Island Agriculture!

grown on Long Island

Snapshots of Life.

I have not been feeling overly inspired to write this week, so in lieu of my normal weekly posts, I thought I would just share a few photos from the past week with you. Now if only my phone would go back to uploading my photos in higher quality I’d be all set – so sorry for the crappy quality lately, not sure what is going on & haven’t had the time to try and figure it out… 

Lilacs – I wish they would stick around a little longer each spring.

Roxie, pondering life’s great questions, like what territory to mark next.

View from my run along the Charles River in Boston, MA.  I wish I had been able to keep going but ran out of time Monday.  Looking forward to running here again sometime.

Another Pic from the Fly By Night Du with Coach K and Lynee
This week’s workout plan.  Down to 5 weeks on Sunday!
Lounging Roxster style. Apparently watching the Walking Dead tires her out…

Runners World had a great article about overcoming life challenges this month. Really puts things into perspective.

Top off on the Jeep!

National Bike to Work Day – Friday, May 17th
Vogue Kitty.

A Wedding & Biking to Nowhere.

After my run on Friday, scooted home, packed, and then jumped in the car with my friend to head to my little sister’s wedding!  I had convinced my friend that it would be a great idea to be my date for this wedding a little while back… after the chaos of the pre-wedding activities (rehearsal dinner, bridal party prep, etc) – I’m not sure he agreed but luckily the reception was a lot of fun and I’m pretty sure he didn’t walk away from the experience completely scared of my family…

The bridal party.

My sister and her husband have been dating since they were in high school, and were engaged shortly after they both finished college.  The wedding was a great time, and everything seemed to be planned perfectly.  My family teased her a bit during the planning process because we were pretty sure she had the entire thing planned out before she was engaged since she was able to secure all the primary preparations within 2 weeks of the engagement, and nailed just about every last detail.  But seriously, it was a great wedding with nothing left out or missed, both my sister and husband were beaming with happiness on Saturday and it was so awesome to see them finally get married!

My lil sister and my new brother!

While I was at home this weekend, it gave me the opportunity to finally pick up our Ragnar t-shirts!  The shirts came out perfectly!  I always use to design and order t-shirts for our various team events and they seem to nail them every time.  I would highly recommend this company if you need to make up shirts for anything, they seem to have pretty competitive pricing and allow for very small lots of shirts to be made up!  We’re 1 month away from Ragnar Cape Cod and I can’t wait! 

…. now to just finalize my superhero costumes…. have I ever mentioned how much I love Ragnar and the craziness & fun that you have while covering 200 miles with a team??  (Oh wait I have… here, and here, oh and here too…and there were a few more, but you can just search my blog for them if you’re really interested!)  

Ragnar Team Shirts!

When I returned home on Sunday I had a brick workout on the docket from my coach which consisted of a 2.5 hour bike ride with hill intervals on the trainer followed by a short run.  Needless to say, I was not excited about the prospect of getting on my bike trainer for 2.5 hours.  I had completed a 1:45 session a couple weeks ago which about killed me.  Biking to nowhere is no fun.  Especially when you try to do it for extended periods of time. 

After dragging my bike to the trainer and reluctantly changing into my workout gear I started the workout.  Now, I should also disclose that I gathered up a movie to watch, my ipad, magazines and my headphones so that I would have a multitude of distractions for my 2.5 hour sentence on the trainer.  As I got into the workout and the hill intervals, I was astonished.  The time started to just melt away.  I did catch up on some reading on the ipad and I listened to a few of my newer playlists that I downloaded from, but overall this workout really wasn’t bad, and I was SO happy at how fast the time did pass. 

After the bike ride, I grabbed a long sleeve shirt, threw some shorts over my spandex, tossed on my sneakers and hit the road.  Amazing.  I was really only supposed to run about 10 minutes, but I felt great.  The transition from biking to running can be painful sometimes, especially if you have not done it in a while, but I had zero pain and felt great so I pushed my run a bit to finish up 2 miles before I stopped.  I was amazed to see that I was hitting an 8:30 pace after the bike session – I guess this coaching thing might be working out for me!

How I made it through a 2.5 hr bike trainer session…

Yesterday, it was back to the grind of work, but the day was made better by the fact that it was sunny and finally felt like Spring in Syracuse!  After I got home from work, I went out to hang with Roxie in the backyard for a few minutes and was so happy to discover that the flowers around my house have started to appear.  The previous owner of my house really had a thing for landscaping and flowers, it’s awesome because every year there are different flowers that appear throughout the spring, summer and fall and there always seems to be something in bloom!

Hello Spring!

Roxie was pumped too about the flowers too… she also just loves to have her picture taken.  Seriously, do you know of any other dog that will just constantly pose for pictures?  I love it, but find it strange as well.  I know I am biased but I really do believe that she is the most photogenic dog ever.

Rox is super pumped about spring flowers too.

Because I want to take Wednesday night as a rest day to hang out with some friends and eat chicken wings, I moved my Wednesday workout to last night.  This meant I was back on the bike trainer for another 75 minute session. It’s strange, this 75 minutes felt waaaaayyyy longer than the 2.5 hours the night prior.  Not sure why, but it was painful.  Part of it was probably the fact I had back to back nights on the trainer, but oh well…

Roxie also expressed her displeasure by throwing various items into my back wheel while I was spinning.  This was the first time she’s ever done this and I think it scared us both.  Her first item was a rawhide chew and I thought my bike or the trainer had busted until I realized that she had thrown something at the bike.  Then she followed it with a couple of balls before resorting to trying to convince me that she is super cute and that we should be playing with her dinosaur.  She kills me, she definitely has the whole “feel bad for me and come play” look down pat.

Hey, don’t you want to play with me and my dino…?

Alright, well this week coming up marks 11 weeks to go until the Syracuse Half Ironman and my training continues.  I must admit I do love having a coach that sets up my plan and is available for consult.  I am doing workouts that I would have never come up with on my own and it is definitely helping me push myself further.  I don’t think I would have ever completed a 13 mile run this far in advance of the race or have planned these longer brick sessions at this point in the season, but my coach is really helping me show myself what I am capable of and showing me better and smarter ways to train for these mid to long distance endurance events.  Also, I’m still feeling great and my old nagging injuries have remained at bay so far (I’m knocking on wood night now to avoid jinxing this.). 

I guess I’m just having one of those moment where you realize that you don’t really know what you’re truly capable of until you try it.  I hope you all experience these milestone moments in your life – I’ve had a number through the years… the first time I ran a 5K without stopping, my first 10K, the first time I ran a full hour without stopping, and so on… it’s just amazing to think about where I have come from when I used to complain loudly about running a single mile and now where I might head as I train for this 70.3.

On that reminiscent note, I’m going to wrap up another long post (sorry).  Sometimes I think I should write more often with shorter posts, but this is what I can swing right now with my schedule… I hope you all had a stellar weekend (I know I did) and an even better week!

Training Plan – 11 weeks to go!

A mystery… and brinner!

Yesterday I received a call that there was going to be a delivery made to my house, but that I had to be there when it arrived.  Turns out that someone sent me flowers! I say someone because there was no name on the card… and nobody is stepping forward to claim them… so I guess for now, I’ll just enjoy them!!

(But seriously, there are some major bonus points for whoever sent them, they are beautiful & I love lilies!)

Don’t they look great?!

After the flower mystery last night, I decided that it seemed like an excellent evening for Brinner!  I had to head to the pool for my workout, and knew that pumpkin waffles with banana would hit the spot before I swam my endless laps…

Brinner.  Amazing.

And finally, I just have to throw in another Roxie v. bike trainer picture from earlier this week.  I think she hates the trainer just as much as I do.  The minute I jump on my bike, she takes up her position nearby and starts to whine.  Not sure if she hates the noise and the fact that it takes up a lot of space in the living room, or if she just thinks that I should be playing fetch with her instead of riding my bike. 

Hi Mom… please play with me.

Well, the weekend is upon us, I’ll be heading east for my sister’s bridal shower & bachelorette party on Saturday.  It’s going to be great to catch up with the family, my travel schedule has kept me from visiting everyone lately & I really haven’t seen anyone since Christmas!

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend full of fun!

Also, if you have not had Brinner in a while, I think you should pursue it.  Breakfast food really is amazing.